I can only be in one place at one time, consequently, I’m absent from a lot of things I should be at. Even if there were two of me, I still wouldn’t be somewhere I needed to be because whoever was there, even though they were there, still wouldn’t be me. I’d lose track of things and then stuff would happen… just like that completely underrated (well, maybe not COMPLETELY underrated) movie with the Batman guy in it: Multiplicity.
Too much of a good thing is fine, just so long as you can keep track of it and be able to get rid of it without feeling bad.
Even when frank draws me more than once, he can’t keep track of all the Bobs.
So, I’m the star of the show… and I don’t have an understudy. Sure, Frank could play the part, but even if he wore a tail, the authenticity would be forced. The show must go on… with the one and only. I may not hit it out of the park every single time, but I’ll at least make it to the grass. Absent is not an option. We went through this at the end of 2011… not in the mood to get all drill sergeant on Frank again.