taking stock…

taking stock of bob the squirrel's life

Yeah, the squirrel is still in a bad mood.  I hate the fact that no matter how many times I tell myself to not look back, I look back.  Taking stock is a by-product of that looking back.  It’d be nice to get it all done at once and just refer back.  This might even be a good opportunity for me to start a Bob wiki.  That way if I’m trying to remember a less than stellar time of my life, or an instance where I did something really immature I can just type it into a find box… then as fast as you can say ‘jack russell’ there is my moment of anti-glory… on a tablet or a screen or a phone.

It’s good that technology has afforded us the opportunity to re-live our magic moments anywhere and anytime.

Don’t forget about the Bob Books!

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